Early Intervention & In Home Services

Our early intervention & in home services program links passionate, compassionate professionals with at-risk children, from birth to age three, and their families. Our EI specialists are accustomed to collaborating with clinicians, social workers, nurses and behavioral specialists on a wide variety of issues, and they are trained to joyfully coach parents in building up key areas of a child’s development, such as…

  • Speech and language development
  • Fine motor skills
  • Gross motor skills
  • Visual motor skills
  • Perceptual motor development
  • Functional living skills
  • Environmental adaptation

What we offer schools for our early intervention & in home services:

  • EI specialists who are qualified, highly-skilled, experienced, and passionate about working with at-risk infants and toddlers.
  • A dedicated account manager (your one point of contact!) who will listen to your particular needs and situation and comb carefully through our large pool of candidates to find just the right fit.
  • Ultimately, a match who is passionate to do exactly the things that need to be done to help each child.

What we offer the job seeker:

  • An opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children at a crucial, formative stage.
  • A work environment that values you and your contributions.
  • A position that matches your own unique skills, specialties, interests and goals.